Secret Valley Golf Club
8510 Kouklia,Paphos,Cyprus, Cyprus
Om golfbanen
- Buggies are allowed on the fairways subject to weather conditions and course maintenance.
Cancellations: Cancellation is completed by contacting Greenfee365 at hi@greenfee365.com / +46317586115.
Secret Valley Golf Club , located in a scenic valley in Cyprus, is a lovely course set amidst mature trees that offers a friendly atmosphere and a thinkers course for golf players seeking a challenge. The course plays to a star rating and is one of the preferred golf locations for holiday makers who want to enjoy a round of golf amid quiet beaches nearby. Secret Valley Golf Club is always in excellent condition, thanks to good management, and offers an enjoyable golfing experience for players of all levels.
- ArkitektJacovos Jacovou
- BanetypParkland
- Huller18
- PAR71
Ikke tilgængeligFaciliteter
- Golfvogn
- Lej en caddie
- Omklædningsrum
- Chipping green
- Driving range
- Lej golfkøller
- Golftimer
- Skabe
- Bunker, hvor du kan øve dig
- Pro shop
- Trækvogn
- Putting green
- Reception
- Restaurant
+35 726 274 000