

Siniset vedet, historiallisia rakennuksia, tuoreista raaka-aineista valmistettuja ruokia ja suurenmoisia golfkenttiä – tämä kaikki löytyy Kyprokselta. Jokaiselle jotakin, monenlaisiin mieltymyksiin. Kypros tarjoaa runsaan museo- ja galleriatarjonnan rauhallisen ja harmonisen matkailun ystäville, vaellusreittejä patikoijille ja pyöräreittejä seikkailijoille. Kyproksen golfkentät tekevät vaikutuksen kauneudellaan, ja klubitaloissa on vaihtelua modernisoiduista tunnelmaltaan klassisen perinteisiin.

Kohokohdat golfaajille alueella Cyprus

Aurinkoisia päiviä
Olut (pint)
0,73 EUR
Taksi 1 km

Mitä tehdä alueella Cyprus

Golf course - Wine tours

Wine tours

Home to the oldest named wine in production, Commandaria, also known as the “wine of the kings and the king of wines.” The wineries in Cyprus pride themselves in producing wine using old, traditional ways, staying true to their roots. Although some wineries have taken after the modernization methods, providing different wines for all wine lovers.
Golf course - Villages


The villages found in Cyprus are a time-warping experience, to say the least. Their historical and traditional buildings stand where they stood since the beginning of this historical destination. Agros, Alona, Anogyra, and Arsos define the ground pillars of Cyprus, appreciated by visitors from all over the world.
Golf course - Health & wellness

Health & wellness

Cyprus provides visitors with medical tourism at its finest, and the relaxing atmosphere treats plenty of patients every year. There is a wide choice of different spa resorts and rural retreats with features such as harmonious natural landscapes and fresh locally produced flavors.